Puppet Class: psick::base
- Defined in:
- manifests/base.pp
This class includes base classes that manage the common baseline resources generally applied to any node. Is exposes parameters that allow to define any class (from Psick, public modules or local profiles) to include after the prerequisites classes declared in the osich::pre class. For each different $facts value a differet entrypoint is exposed.
For each of these $facts_classes parameters, it’s expected an Hash of key-values: Keys can have any name, and are used as markers to allow overrides, exceptions management and customisations across Hiera’s hierarchies. Values are actual class names to include in the node’s catalog. They can be classes from psick module or any other module, both public ones (the typical component modules from the Forge) and private site profiles and modules.
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# File 'manifests/base.pp', line 64
class psick::base (
Psick::Class $linux_classes = {},
Psick::Class $windows_classes = {},
Psick::Class $darwin_classes = {},
Psick::Class $solaris_classes = {},
Boolean $manage = $psick::manage,
Boolean $noop_manage = $psick::noop_manage,
Boolean $noop_value = $psick::noop_value,
) {
if $manage {
if $noop_manage {
if !empty($linux_classes) and $facts['kernel'] == 'Linux' {
$linux_classes.each |$n,$c| {
if $c != '' {
contain $c
if !empty($windows_classes) and $facts['kernel'] == 'windows' {
$windows_classes.each |$n,$c| {
if $c != '' {
contain $c
if !empty($darwin_classes) and $facts['kernel'] == 'Darwin' {
$darwin_classes.each |$n,$c| {
if $c != '' {
contain $c
if !empty($solaris_classes) and $facts['kernel'] == 'Solaris' {
$solaris_classes.each |$n,$c| {
if $c != '' {
contain $c