Puppet Class: psick::network::example42
- Defined in:
- manifests/network/example42.pp
This class manages network configurations using defines similar and compatible with example42-network module ones It’s declare in psick::network if you set in Hiera:
psick::network::module: 'example42-network'
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# File 'manifests/network/example42.pp', line 19
class psick::network::example42 (
String $bonding_mode = 'active-backup',
String $network_template = 'psick/network/network.erb',
) {
file { '/etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf':
ensure => file,
$routes = lookup('psick::network::routes', Hash, 'deep', {})
$routes.each |$r,$o| {
psick::network::route { $r:
routes => $o[routes],
$default_options = {
onboot => 'yes',
'type' => 'Ethernet',
template => "psick/network/interface-${facts['os']['family']}.erb",
options => {
'IPV6INIT' => 'no',
'IPV4_FAILURE_FATAL' => 'yes',
bootproto => 'none',
nozeroconf => 'yes',
$default_bonding_options = {
'type' => 'Bond',
bonding_opts => "resend_igmp=1 updelay=30000 use_carrier=1 miimon=100 downdelay=100 xmit_hash_policy=0 primary_reselect=0 fail_over_mac=0 arp_validate=0 mode=${bonding_mode} arp_interval=0 ad_select=0",
bonding_master => 'yes',
$interfaces = lookup('psick::network::interfaces', Hash, 'deep', {})
$interfaces.each |$r,$o| {
if $r =~ /^bond/ {
$options = $default_options + $default_bonding_options + $o
file_line { "bonding.conf ${r}":
line => "alias netdev-${r} bonding",
path => '/etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf',
require => File['/etc/modprobe.d/bonding.conf'],
} else {
$options = $default_options + $o
psick::network::interface { $r:
* => $options,
if $facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat'
and $network_template != '' {
file { '/etc/sysconfig/network':
ensure => file,
content => template($network_template),