Puppet Class: psick::openssh::hostkeys
- Defined in:
- manifests/openssh/hostkeys.pp
Manage ssh hostkeys sharing and known hosts on a nodeOverview
This class can collect the ssh keys of each host and manage the knownhosts files
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# File 'manifests/openssh/hostkeys.pp', line 7
class psick::openssh::hostkeys (
Boolean $hostkey_export = false,
Boolean $hostkey_collect = false,
Array $hostkey_aliases = flatten([$facts['networking']['fqdn'], $facts['networking']['hostname'], $facts['networking']['ip']]),
Boolean $knownhosts_manage = false,
Psick::Ensure $knownhosts_ensure = 'present',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $knownhosts_path = '/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts',
Optional[String] $knownhosts_source = undef,
Optional[String] $knownhosts_template = undef,
Boolean $manage = $psick::manage,
Boolean $auto_prereq = $psick::auto_prereq,
Boolean $noop_manage = $psick::noop_manage,
Boolean $noop_value = $psick::noop_value,
) {
# We declare resources only if $manage = true
if $manage {
if $noop_manage {
if $hostkey_export {
if getvar('facts.ssh.dsa.key') {
@@sshkey { "${facts['networking']['fqdn']}_dsa":
host_aliases => $hostkey_aliases,
type => dsa,
key => getvar('facts.ssh.dsa.key'),
if getvar('facts.ssh.rsa.key') {
@@sshkey { "${facts['networking']['fqdn']}_rsa":
host_aliases => $hostkey_aliases,
type => rsa,
key => getvar('facts.ssh.rsa.key'),
if getvar('facts.ssh.ecdsa.key') {
@@sshkey { "${facts['networking']['fqdn']}_ecdsa":
host_aliases => $hostkey_aliases,
type => 'ecdsa-sha2-nistp256',
key => getvar('facts.ssh.ecdsa.key'),
if $hostkey_collect {
Sshkey <<| |>> {
ensure => present,
if $knownhosts_manage {
file { $knownhosts_path:
ensure => $knownhosts_ensure,
source => $knownhosts_source,
content => psick::template($knownhosts_template),