Puppet Class: psick::packages
- Defined in:
- manifests/packages.pp
Generic class to manage packagesOverview
This class exposes entrypoints, and data defaults to manage system packages, expressed via arrays or hashes. Be aware of risks of duplicated resources, when specifying here packages that might be installed by other modules or classes. You can use different parameters to manage packages, they all manage package resources, using different approaches:
$packages_list An Array of packages to install. If $add_default_packages
if true, to this list is added the $packages_default array
$packages_hash An Hash of packages to manage, where keys are package names
and values are arguments passed to the package resurce
$packages_osfamily_hash An Hash of packages to manage, where keys are the
osfamily and values are a String, an Array of an Hash of packages to manage.
provider: chocolatey
- "firefox"
- "flashplayerplugin"
psick::packages::delete_unmanaged: true
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# File 'manifests/packages.pp', line 72
class psick::packages (
Array $packages_list = [],
Array $packages_default = [],
Boolean $add_default_packages = true,
Hash $packages_hash = {},
Hash $packages_osfamily_hash = {},
Hash $resource_default_arguments = {},
Boolean $delete_unmanaged = false,
Boolean $manage = $psick::manage,
Boolean $noop_manage = $psick::noop_manage,
Boolean $noop_value = $psick::noop_value,
) {
if $manage {
if $noop_manage {
Package {
* => $resource_default_arguments,
# Purge umanaged packages if $delete_unmanaged == true (DANGER!)
if $delete_unmanaged {
resources { 'package':
purge => true,
# Packages management based on $packages_list
$packages = $add_default_packages ? {
true => $packages_list + $packages_default,
false => $packages_list,
$packages.each |$pkg| {
# Packages management based on $packages_hash
$packages_hash.each |$k,$v| {
package { $k:
* => $v,
# Packages management based on $packages_osfamily_hash
$packages_osfamily_hash.each |$k,$v| {
if $facts['os']['family'] == $k {
case $v {
Array: {
Hash: {
$v.each |$kk,$vv| {
package { $kk:
* => $vv,
String: {
package { $v:
ensure => present,
default: {
fail("Unsupported type for ${v}. Valid types are String, Array, Hash")