Puppet Class: psick::puppet::install_ca
- Defined in:
- manifests/puppet/install_ca.pp
Class psick::puppet::install_ca adds Puppet’s CA to the list of CAs trusted by the system. Useful for any application that uses a CA PKI infrastructure.
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# File 'manifests/puppet/install_ca.pp', line 4
class psick::puppet::install_ca (
Optional[String] $ca_ssl_dir = undef,
Optional[String] $ca_setup_command = undef,
Optional[String] $ca_update_command = undef,
Optional[String] $ca_package = undef,
Boolean $manage = $psick::manage,
Boolean $noop_manage = $psick::noop_manage,
Boolean $noop_value = $psick::noop_value,
) {
if $manage {
if $noop_manage {
if $ca_package {
$package_notify = $ca_setup_command ? {
undef => undef,
default => Exec['setup ca certs'],
package { $ca_package:
notify => $package_notify,
if $ca_setup_command {
exec { 'setup ca certs':
refreshonly => true,
command => $ca_setup_command,
path => $facts['path'],
if $ca_ssl_dir {
file { "${ca_ssl_dir}/Puppet_CA.crt":
ensure => file,
source => 'file:///etc/puppetlabs/puppet/ssl/certs/ca.pem',
notify => Exec['update ca certs'],
if $ca_update_command {
exec { 'update ca certs':
refreshonly => true,
command => $ca_update_command,
path => $facts['path'],