Puppet Class: psick::puppet::pe_code_manager
- Defined in:
- manifests/puppet/pe_code_manager.pp
This class configures PE Code Manager for automatic deployments
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# File 'manifests/puppet/pe_code_manager.pp', line 3
class psick::puppet::pe_code_manager (
Boolean $generate_ssh_keys = true,
String $deploy_ssh_private_key_path = '/etc/puppetlabs/ssh/id-control_repo.rsa',
Optional[String] $deploy_ssh_private_source = undef,
String $deploy_ssh_public_key_path = '/etc/puppetlabs/ssh/id-control_repo.rsa.pub',
Optional[String] $deploy_ssh_public_source = undef,
Optional[String] $pe_user = undef,
Optional[String] $pe_password = undef,
String $pe_email = 'root@localhost',
Optional[String] $deploy_comment = undef,
String $deploy_user = 'root',
String $puppet_user = 'pe-puppet',
String $puppet_group = 'pe-puppet',
Optional[String] $puppet_user_home = undef,
String $lifetime = '5y',
Boolean $manage = $psick::manage,
Boolean $noop_manage = $psick::noop_manage,
Boolean $noop_value = $psick::noop_value,
) {
if $manage {
if $noop_manage {
if $pe_user and $pe_password {
rbac_user { $pe_user:
ensure => 'present',
name => $pe_user,
display_name => 'Puppet code deploy user',
email => $pe_email,
password => $pe_password,
roles => ['Code Deployers'],
before => Psick::Puppet::Access[$pe_user],
psick::puppet::access { $pe_user:
pe_password => $pe_password,
run_as_user => $deploy_user,
lifetime => $lifetime,
if $generate_ssh_keys {
file { '/etc/puppetlabs/ssh':
ensure => directory,
path => '/etc/puppetlabs/ssh',
owner => $puppet_user,
$real_deploy_user_home = $deploy_user ? {
'root' => '/root',
default => "/home/${deploy_user}",
psick::openssh::keygen { $deploy_user:
comment => $deploy_comment,
before => [File[$deploy_ssh_private_key_path],File[$deploy_ssh_public_key_path]],
file { $deploy_ssh_private_key_path:
ensure => file,
owner => $puppet_user,
group => $puppet_group,
mode => '0600',
source => pick($deploy_ssh_private_source,"file://${real_deploy_user_home}/.ssh/id_rsa"),
file { $deploy_ssh_public_key_path:
ensure => file,
owner => $puppet_user,
group => $puppet_group,
mode => '0600',
source => pick($deploy_ssh_public_source,"file:///${real_deploy_user_home}/.ssh/id_rsa.pub"),
# TODO Automate Upload of ssh public key to gitlab
# psick_profile::gitlab::deploy_key { :
# sshkey => $deploy_ssh_public_key
# }