Puppet Class: psick::puppet::postrun
- Defined in:
- manifests/puppet/postrun.pp
class psick::puppet::postrun This class manages the puppet.conf’s postrun_command configuration entry, end the content (or source) of the command itself
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# File 'manifests/puppet/postrun.pp', line 6
class psick::puppet::postrun (
String $puppet_conf_path,
Psick::Ensure $ensure = present,
Optional[String] $command = undef,
Optional[String] $source = undef,
Optional[String] $content = undef,
Optional[String] $template = undef,
Optional[String] $epp = undef,
Optional[String] $path = undef,
Boolean $manage = $psick::manage,
Boolean $noop_manage = $psick::noop_manage,
Boolean $noop_value = $psick::noop_value,
) {
if $manage {
if $noop_manage {
$manage_content = tp_content($content, $template, $epp)
File {
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0644',
Ini_setting {
ensure => $ensure,
path => $puppet_conf_path,
section => 'agent',
setting => 'postrun_command',
if $command {
ini_setting { 'puppet_postrun_command':
value => $command,
if $path {
file { $path:
content => $manage_content,
source => $source,
mode => '0755',