Puppet Class: psick::timezone
- Defined in:
- manifests/timezone.pp
Class ::psick::::timezone Derived from github.com/example42/puppet-timezone
This class manages the System’s timezone
- timezone
The timezone to use
- timezone_windows
The timezone as needed by tzutil.exe command on Windows
- hw_utc
If system clock is set to UTC. Default: false
- set_timezone_command
The command to execute to apply the new timezone. Default is automatically set according to OS
The template to use for the timezone file.
Default is autocalculated for each supported OS
25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 |
# File 'manifests/timezone.pp', line 25
class psick::timezone (
String $timezone = $psick::timezone,
String $timezone_windows = '', # lint:ignore:params_empty_string_assignment
Boolean $hw_utc = false,
String $set_timezone_command = '', # lint:ignore:params_empty_string_assignment
String $template = "psick/timezone/timezone-${facts['os']['name']}",
Boolean $manage = $psick::manage,
Boolean $noop_manage = $psick::noop_manage,
Boolean $noop_value = $psick::noop_value,
) {
if $manage {
if $noop_manage {
case $facts['os']['family'] {
'RedHat' : {
$redhat_command = $facts['os']['release']['major'] ? {
/7/ => "timedatectl set-timezone ${timezone}",
default => 'tzdata-update',
'Debian' : {
$debian_command = $facts['os']['release']['major'] ? {
/(16.04|16.10|17.04|17.10|18.04|18.10|19.04|19.10|20.04|20.10|21.04|21.10|22.04|22.10|23.04|23.10)/ => "timedatectl set-timezone ${timezone}", # lint:ignore:140chars
/(9|10|11|12)/ => "ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/${timezone} /etc/localtime ; dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata",
default => 'dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata',
default: {}
$real_set_timezone_command = $set_timezone_command ? {
'' => $facts['os']['name'] ? {
/(?i:RedHat|Centos|Scientific|Fedora|Amazon|Linux)/ => $redhat_command,
/(?i:Ubuntu|Debian|Mint|Raspbian)/ => $debian_command,
/(?i:SLES|OpenSuSE)/ => "zic -l ${timezone}",
/(?i:OpenBSD)/ => "ln -fs /usr/share/zoneinfo/${timezone} /etc/localtime",
/(?i:FreeBSD)/ => "cp /usr/share/zoneinfo/${timezone} /etc/localtime && adjkerntz -a",
/(?i:Solaris)/ => "rtc -z ${timezone} && rtc -c",
/(?i:Windows)/ => "tzutil.exe /s \"${timezone_windows}\"",
/(?i:Darwin)/ => "systemsetup -settimezone ${timezone}",
default => $set_timezone_command,
$config_file = $facts['os']['name'] ? {
/(?i:RedHat|Centos|Scientific|Fedora|Amazon|Linux)/ => '/etc/sysconfig/clock',
/(?i:Ubuntu|Debian|Mint)/ => '/etc/timezone',
/(?i:SLES|OpenSuSE)/ => '/etc/sysconfig/clock',
/(?i:FreeBSD|OpenBSD|Darwin)/ => '/etc/timezone-puppet',
/(?i:Solaris)/ => '/etc/default/init',
/(?i:Windows)/ => 'c:\temp\timezone',
default => '',
$config_file_group = $facts['os']['name'] ? {
/(?i:FreeBSD|OpenBSD|Darwin)/ => 'wheel',
default => 'root',
if $facts['virtual'] != 'docker' and $config_file != '' {
file { 'timezone':
ensure => file,
path => $config_file,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => $config_file_group,
content => template($template),
if $facts['processors']['isa'] != 'sparc' and $facts['kernel'] != 'SunOS' {
exec { 'set-timezone':
command => $real_set_timezone_command,
path => $facts['path'],
require => File['timezone'],
subscribe => File['timezone'],
refreshonly => true,