Defined Type: psick::archive
- Defined in:
- manifests/archive.pp
A short summary of the purpose of this defined type.Overview
A description of what this defined type does
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# File 'manifests/archive.pp', line 7
define psick::archive (
Psick::Ensure $ensure = 'present',
Enum['download','extract','compress','auto'] $action = 'auto',
Optional[String] $source = $title,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $download_dir = '/var/tmp',
Optional[String] $download_command = undef,
Integer $download_timeout = 600,
Array $download_exec_env = [],
Optional[String] $extract_dir = undef,
Optional[String] $extract_created_dir = undef,
Optional[String] $extract_command = undef,
Integer $extract_timeout = 600,
Array $extract_exec_env = [],
Optional[String] $compress_dir = undef,
Optional[String] $compress_command = undef,
Optional[String] $compress_output_file = undef,
Integer $compress_timeout = 600,
Array $compress_exec_env = [],
) {
if $source {
$source_filename = parse_url($source,'filename')
$source_filetype = parse_url($source,'filetype')
$source_dirname = parse_url($source,'filedir')
$download_command_default=lookup('psick::archive::download_command', Hash, deep, {})
$extract_command_default=lookup('psick::archive::extract_command', Hash, deep, {})
$compress_command_default=lookup('psick::archive::compress_command', Hash, deep, {})
$real_download_command = $download_command ? {
undef => $download_command_default['command'],
default => $download_command,
$real_extract_command = $extract_command ? {
undef => $source_filetype ? {
'.tgz' => $extract_command_default['tgz'],
'.gz' => $extract_command_default['gz'],
'.bz2' => $extract_command_default['bz2'],
'.tar' => $extract_command_default['tar'],
'.zip' => $extract_command_default['zip'],
default => $extract_command_default['tgz'],
default => $extract_command,
$real_compress_command = $compress_command ? {
undef => $source_filetype ? {
'.tgz' => $compress_command_default['tgz'],
'.gz' => $compress_command_default['gz'],
'.bz2' => $compress_command_default['bz2'],
'.tar' => $compress_command_default['tar'],
'.zip' => $compress_command_default['zip'],
default => $compress_command_default['tgz'],
default => $compress_command,
$real_extract_created_dir = $extract_created_dir ? {
undef => $source_filename,
default => $extract_created_dir,
if $action == 'download' or $action == 'auto' {
if $source {
exec { "Download ${source} in ${download_dir}":
cwd => $download_dir,
command => "${real_download_command} ${download_command_default['pre_args']} ${source} ${download_command_default['post_args']}", # lint:ignore:140chars
creates => "${download_dir}/${source_filename}",
timeout => $download_timeout,
path => $facts['path'],
environment => $download_exec_env,
if $action == 'extract' or $action == 'auto' {
if $source {
exec { "Extract ${source} in ${extract_dir}":
cwd => $extract_dir,
command => "${real_extract_command} ${source}",
creates => "${extract_dir}/${real_extract_created_dir}",
timeout => $extract_timeout,
path => $facts['path'],
environment => $extract_exec_env,
if $action == 'compress' or $action == 'auto' {
if $compress_output_file {
exec { "Compress ${compress_dir} in ${compress_output_file}":
command => "${real_compress_command} ${compress_output_file} ${compress_dir}",
creates => $compress_output_file,
timeout => $compress_timeout,
path => $facts['path'],
environment => $compress_exec_env,
} else {
notify { 'psick::archive compress failure':
message => 'You must specifiy a valid path for $compress_output_file when using the compress action in psick::archive' # lint:ignore:140chars