Defined Type: psick::netinstall
- Defined in:
- manifests/netinstall.pp
Define: psick::netinstall
This defines simplifies the installation of a file downloaded from the web. It provides arguments to manage different kind of downloads and custom commands.
- url
The Url of the file to retrieve. Required. Example:
- destination_dir
The final destination where to unpack or copy what has been downloaded. Required. Example: /var/www/html
- retrieve_args
A string of arguments to pass to wget.
- extracted_dir
The name of a directory or file created after the extraction Needed only if its name is different from the downloaded file name (without suffixes). Optional.
- owner
The user owner of the directory / file created. Default: root
- group
The group owner of the directory / file created. Default: root
- timeout
The timeout in seconds for each command executed
- work_dir
A temporary work dir where file is downloaded. Default: /var/tmp
- path
Define the path for the exec commands. Default: /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin
- exec_env
Define any additional environment variables to be used with the exec commands. Note that if you use this to set PATH, it will override the path attribute. Multiple environment variables should be specified as an array.
- extract_command
The command used to extract the downloaded file. By default is autocalculated according to the file extension Set ‘rsync’ if the file has to be placed in the destination_dir as is (for example for war files)
- preextract_command
An optional custom command to run before extracting the file.
- postextract_command
An optional custom command to run after having extracted the file.
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# File 'manifests/netinstall.pp', line 60
define psick::netinstall (
String $url,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $destination_dir,
Optional[String] $extracted_dir = undef,
String $retrieve_command = 'wget',
String $retrieve_args = '', # lint:ignore:params_empty_string_assignment
String $owner = 'root',
String $group = 'root',
Stdlib::Filemode $timeout = '3600',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $work_dir = '/var/tmp',
String $path = '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
Variant[String,Boolean] $extract_command = '', # lint:ignore:params_empty_string_assignment
Variant[String,Boolean] $preextract_command = '', # lint:ignore:params_empty_string_assignment
Variant[String,Boolean] $postextract_command = '', # lint:ignore:params_empty_string_assignment
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $postextract_cwd = undef,
Array $exec_env = [],
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $creates = undef,
) {
$source_filename = parse_url($url,'filename')
$source_filetype = parse_url($url,'filetype')
$source_dirname = parse_url($url,'filedir')
$real_extract_command = $extract_command ? {
'' => $source_filetype ? {
'.tgz' => 'tar -zxf',
'.gz' => 'tar -zxf',
'.bz2' => 'tar -jxf',
'.tar' => 'tar -xf',
'.zip' => 'unzip',
default => 'tar -zxf',
default => $extract_command,
$extract_command_second_arg = $real_extract_command ? {
/^cp.*/ => '.',
/^rsync.*/ => '.',
default => '',
$real_extracted_dir = $extracted_dir ? {
undef => $real_extract_command ? {
/(^cp.*|^rsync.*)/ => $source_filename,
/(^tar -zxf*|^tar -jxf*)/ => regsubst($source_dirname,'.tar',''),
default => $source_dirname,
default => $extracted_dir,
$real_postextract_cwd = $postextract_cwd ? {
undef => "${destination_dir}/${real_extracted_dir}",
default => $postextract_cwd,
$real_creates = $creates ? {
undef => "${destination_dir}/${real_extracted_dir}",
default => $creates,
if $preextract_command and $preextract_command != '' {
exec { "PreExtract ${source_filename} in ${destination_dir} - ${title}":
command => $preextract_command,
subscribe => Exec["Retrieve ${url} in ${work_dir} - ${title}"],
refreshonly => true,
path => $path,
environment => $exec_env,
timeout => $timeout,
exec { "Retrieve ${url} in ${work_dir} - ${title}":
cwd => $work_dir,
command => "${retrieve_command} ${retrieve_args} ${url}",
creates => "${work_dir}/${source_filename}",
timeout => $timeout,
path => $path,
environment => $exec_env,
if $real_extract_command and $real_extract_command != '' {
exec { "Extract ${source_filename} from ${work_dir} - ${title}":
command => "mkdir -p ${destination_dir} && cd ${destination_dir} && ${real_extract_command} ${work_dir}/${source_filename} ${extract_command_second_arg}", # lint:ignore:140chars
unless => "ls ${destination_dir}/${real_extracted_dir}",
creates => $real_creates,
timeout => $timeout,
require => Exec["Retrieve ${url} in ${work_dir} - ${title}"],
path => $path,
environment => $exec_env,
notify => Exec["Chown ${source_filename} in ${destination_dir} - ${title}"],
exec { "Chown ${source_filename} in ${destination_dir} - ${title}":
command => "chown -R ${owner}:${group} ${destination_dir}/${real_extracted_dir}",
refreshonly => true,
timeout => $timeout,
require => Exec["Extract ${source_filename} from ${work_dir} - ${title}"],
path => $path,
environment => $exec_env,
if $postextract_command and $postextract_command != '' {
exec { "PostExtract ${source_filename} in ${destination_dir} - ${title}":
command => $postextract_command,
cwd => $real_postextract_cwd,
subscribe => Exec["Extract ${source_filename} from ${work_dir} - ${title}"],
refreshonly => true,
timeout => $timeout,
require => [Exec["Retrieve ${url} in ${work_dir} - ${title}"],Exec["Chown ${source_filename} in ${destination_dir} - ${title}"]],
path => $path,
environment => $exec_env,