Aptly Puppet Module

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Puppet module for aptly.

Example usage

You need to include the apt module if you wish to install it out-of-the-box.

include apt

Include with default parameters:

include aptly

Create a mirror for manual update/snapshot/publish:

aptly::mirror { 'puppetlabs':
  location => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com/',
  repos    => ['main', 'dependencies'],
  key      => '4BD6EC30',

or with the puppetlabs/apt module 2.0+ format

aptly::mirror { 'puppetlabs':
  location => 'http://apt.puppetlabs.com/',
  repos    => ['main', 'dependencies'],
  key      =>  {
    server => 'keyserver.ubuntu.com',
    id     => '4BD6EC30',

Create an aptly repository to host local packages:

aptly::repo{ 'mylocalrepo': }

See the class and defined type documentation for advanced usage.


See LICENSE file.

Transfer Notice

This module was originalle maintained by Government Digital Service (GDS) at github.com/alphagov/puppet-aptly