Resource Type: grub_user

Defined in:


Manages GRUB2 Users - Does not apply to GRUB Legacy

Note: This type compares against the active GRUB configuration. The contents of the management file will not be updated unless the active configuration is out of sync with the expected configuration.


  • ensure (defaults to: present)

    The basic property that the resource should be in.

    Supported values:
    • present
    • absent
  • password

    The user’s password. If the password is not already in a GRUB2 compatible form, it will be automatically converted.

  • purge (defaults to: false)

    Purge all unmanaged users.

    This does not affect any users that are not defined by Puppet! There is no way to reliably eliminate the items from all other scripts without potentially severely damaging the GRUB2 build scripts.

    Supported values:
    • true
    • false


  • name (namevar)

    The username of the GRUB2 user to be managed.

  • provider

    The specific backend to use for this ‘grub_user` resource. You will seldom need to specify this — Puppet will usually discover the appropriate provider for your platform.

  • report_unmanaged (defaults to: false)

    Report any unmanaged users as a warning during the Puppet run.

    Supported values:
    • true
    • false
  • rounds (defaults to: 10_000)

    The rounds to use when hashing the password.

    Supported values:
    • %r{^\d+$}
  • superuser (defaults to: false)

    If set, add this user to the ‘superusers’ list, if no superusers are set, but grub_user resources have been declared, a compile error will be raised.

    Supported values:
    • true
    • false
  • target (defaults to: /etc/grub.d/02_puppet_managed_users)

    The file to which to write the user information.

    Must be an absolute path.


  • grub2

    Management of GRUB2 resources