Puppet Class: collectd::plugin::intel_rdt
- Defined in:
- manifests/plugin/intel_rdt.pp
Class: collectd::plugin::intel_rdt
Class to manage intel_rdt write plugin for collectd
- ensure
Ensure param for collectd::plugin type. Defaults to ‘ensure’
- interval
Interval setting for the plugin Defaults to undef
- cores
All events are reported on a per core basis. Monitoring of the events can be configured for group of cores (aggregated statistics). This field defines groups of cores on which to monitor supported events. The field is represented as list of strings with core group values. Each string represents a list of cores in a group. Allowed formats are: 0,1,2,3 0-10,20-18 1,3,5-8,10,0x10-12 If an empty string is provided as value for this field default cores configuration is applied - a separate group is created for each core. Defaults to “”
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# File 'manifests/plugin/intel_rdt.pp', line 29
class collectd::plugin::intel_rdt (
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = 'present',
Optional[Integer] $interval = undef,
Array[String[1]] $cores = [],
) {
include collectd
collectd::plugin { 'intel_rdt':
ensure => $ensure,
interval => $interval,
content => epp('collectd/plugin/intel_rdt.conf.epp'),