Puppet Class: hdm
- Defined in:
- manifests/init.pp
HDM installation main classOverview
This class controls the installation of HDM
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# File 'manifests/init.pp', line 141
class hdm (
# installation parameter
String[1] $version = '3.0.0',
Enum['docker', 'rvm'] $method = 'docker',
String[1] $container_registry_url = 'ghcr.io/betadots/hdm',
Boolean $manage_docker = true,
String[1] $ruby_version = '3.3.1',
# required application parameter
Stdlib::Port $port = 3000,
Stdlib::IP::Address::Nosubnet $bind_ip = '',
String[1] $hostname = $facts['networking']['fqdn'],
String[1] $timezone = $facts['timezone'],
Stdlib::Unixpath $hdm_path = '/etc/hdm',
String[1] $secret_key_base = '7a8509ab31fdb0c15c71c941d089474a',
String[1] $user = 'hdm',
String[1] $group = 'hdm',
String[1] $git_url = 'https://github.com/betadots/hdm.git',
Hdm::Puppetdb $puppetdb_settings = { 'server' => 'http://localhost:8080', },
Stdlib::Unixpath $puppet_code_dir = '/etc/puppetlabs/code',
Stdlib::Unixpath $puppet_dir = '/etc/puppetlabs',
String[1] $hdm_hiera_config_file = 'hiera.yaml',
# additional application parameter
Boolean $disable_authentication = false,
Boolean $allow_encryption = false,
Boolean $read_only = true,
Optional[Hdm::Gitdata] $git_data = undef,
Optional[Hdm::Ldap_settings] $ldap_settings = undef,
Optional[Sensitive[String[1]]] $ldap_bind_dn_password = undef,
Hash[String[1],Enum['yaml', 'eyaml']] $custom_lookup_function = {},
) {
if $ldap_settings {
if $ldap_bind_dn_password {
$final_ldap_settings = $ldap_settings + { bind_dn_password => $ldap_bind_dn_password }
} else {
$final_ldap_settings = $ldap_settings
} else {
$final_ldap_settings = {}
case $method {
'docker': {
$run_mode = 'production'
include hdm::docker
'rvm': {
$run_mode = 'development'
include hdm::rvm
default: {
fail('Unknown HDM installation method.')