Puppet Class: icinga2
- Defined in:
- manifests/init.pp
This module installs and configures Icinga 2.Overview
Setting manage_packages to false means that all package aren’t handeld by the module included the IDO packages.
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# File 'manifests/init.pp', line 114
class icinga2 (
Array[String[1]] $features,
Array[String[1]] $plugins,
Stdlib::Ensure::Service $ensure = running,
Boolean $enable = true,
Boolean $manage_repos = false,
Boolean $manage_packages = true,
Boolean $manage_selinux = false,
Boolean $manage_service = true,
Boolean $purge_features = true,
Hash[String[1], Any] $constants = {},
Variant[Boolean, String[1]] $confd = true,
) {
require icinga2::globals
$selinux_package_name = $icinga2::globals::selinux_package_name
# check selinux
$_selinux = if fact('os.selinux.enabled') and $facts['os']['selinux']['enabled'] and $selinux_package_name {
} else {
# load reserved words
$_reserved = $icinga2::globals::reserved
# merge constants with defaults
$_constants = $icinga2::globals::constants + $constants
# validate confd, boolean or string
if $confd =~ Boolean {
if $confd { $_confd = 'conf.d' } else { $_confd = undef }
} else {
$_confd = $confd
-> Concat <| tag == 'icinga2::config::file' |>
~> Class['icinga2::service']
if $manage_repos {
require icinga::repos
class { 'icinga2::install': }
-> File <| ensure == 'directory' and tag == 'icinga2::config::file' |>
-> class { 'icinga2::config': notify => Class['icinga2::service'] }
-> File <| ensure != 'directory' and tag == 'icinga2::config::file' |>
~> class { 'icinga2::service': }
contain icinga2::install
contain icinga2::config
contain icinga2::service
include prefix($features, 'icinga2::feature::')