Defined Type: ipset::unmanaged
- Defined in:
- manifests/unmanaged.pp
Declare an IP set, without managing its content.
Useful when you have a dynamic process that generates an IP set content, but still want to define and use it from Puppet.
<aside class=“warning”> When changing IP set attributes (type, options) contents won’t be kept, set will be recreated as empty. </aside>
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# File 'manifests/unmanaged.pp', line 20
define ipset::unmanaged (
Enum['present', 'absent'] $ensure = 'present',
IPSet::Type $type = 'hash:ip',
IPSet::Options $options = {},
Boolean $keep_in_sync = true,
) {
ipset::set { $title:
ensure => $ensure,
set => '',
ignore_contents => true,
type => $type,
options => $options,
keep_in_sync => $keep_in_sync,