Puppet Class: nscd
- Defined in:
- manifests/init.pp
Configures /etc/ncsd.conf and controls nscd service.Overview
nscd class.
Note for each database at least the ‘enable-cache` key must be specified.
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# File 'manifests/init.pp', line 34
class nscd (
Nscd::Database $dbconfig,
Enum['present','absent','latest'] $pkg_ensure = 'present',
Boolean $service_ensure = true,
Boolean $service_enable = true,
String[1] $user = 'root',
Optional[String[1]] $stat_user = undef,
Integer $threads = 5,
Integer $max_threads = 32,
Boolean $paranoia = false,
Optional[Integer] $restart_interval = undef,
Integer $debug_level = 0,
Integer $reload_count = 5,
Optional[Stdlib::UnixPath] $logfile = undef,
) {
contain nscd::install
contain nscd::config
contain nscd::service
-> Class['nscd::config']
~> Class['nscd::service']