Puppet Class: apache::mod::pagespeed
- Defined in:
- manifests/mod/pagespeed.pp
Installs and manages mod_pagespeed, which is a Google module that rewrites web pages to reduce latency and bandwidth. This module does *not* manage the software repositories needed to automatically install the mod-pagespeed-stable package. The module does however require that the package be installed, or be installable using the system's default package provider. You should ensure that this pre-requisite is met or declaring `apache::mod::pagespeed` will cause the puppet run to fail.Overview
Verify that your system is compatible with the latest Google Pagespeed requirements.
Although this apache module requires the mod-pagespeed-stable package, Puppet does not manage the software repositories required to automatically install the package. If you declare this class when the package is either not installed or not available to your package manager, your Puppet run will fail.
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# File 'manifests/mod/pagespeed.pp', line 159
class apache::mod::pagespeed (
String $inherit_vhost_config = 'on',
Boolean $filter_xhtml = false,
Stdlib::Absolutepath $cache_path = '/var/cache/mod_pagespeed/',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $log_dir = '/var/log/pagespeed',
Array $memcache_servers = [],
String $rewrite_level = 'CoreFilters',
Array $disable_filters = [],
Array $enable_filters = [],
Array $forbid_filters = [],
Integer $rewrite_deadline_per_flush_ms = 10,
Optional[String] $additional_domains = undef,
Integer $file_cache_size_kb = 102400,
Integer $file_cache_clean_interval_ms = 3600000,
Integer $lru_cache_per_process = 1024,
Integer $lru_cache_byte_limit = 16384,
Integer $css_flatten_max_bytes = 2048,
Integer $css_inline_max_bytes = 2048,
Integer $css_image_inline_max_bytes = 2048,
Integer $image_inline_max_bytes = 2048,
Integer $js_inline_max_bytes = 2048,
Integer $css_outline_min_bytes = 3000,
Integer $js_outline_min_bytes = 3000,
Integer $inode_limit = 500000,
Integer $image_max_rewrites_at_once = 8,
Integer $num_rewrite_threads = 4,
Integer $num_expensive_rewrite_threads = 4,
String $collect_statistics = 'on',
String $statistics_logging = 'on',
Array $allow_view_stats = [],
Array $allow_pagespeed_console = [],
Array $allow_pagespeed_message = [],
Integer $message_buffer_size = 100000,
Variant[Array, Hash] $additional_configuration = {},
Optional[String] $apache_version = undef,
Optional[String] $package_ensure = undef,
) {
include apache
$_apache_version = pick($apache_version, $apache::apache_version)
$_lib = $_apache_version ? {
'2.4' => 'mod_pagespeed_ap24.so',
default => undef
apache::mod { 'pagespeed':
lib => $_lib,
package_ensure => $package_ensure,
# Template uses $_apache_version
file { 'pagespeed.conf':
ensure => file,
path => "${apache::mod_dir}/pagespeed.conf",
mode => $apache::file_mode,
content => template('apache/mod/pagespeed.conf.erb'),
require => Exec["mkdir ${apache::mod_dir}"],
before => File[$apache::mod_dir],
notify => Class['apache::service'],