Puppet Class: apache::mod::auth_openidc
- Defined in:
- manifests/mod/auth_openidc.pp
Installs and configures `mod_auth_openidc`.Overview
Unsupported platforms: OracleLinux: 6; RedHat: 6; Scientific: 6; SLES: all
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# File 'manifests/mod/auth_openidc.pp', line 11
class apache::mod::auth_openidc (
Boolean $manage_dnf_module = $facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' and $facts['os']['release']['major'] == '8',
String[1] $dnf_module_ensure = 'present',
String[1] $dnf_module_name = 'mod_auth_openidc',
) {
include apache
include apache::mod::authn_core
include apache::mod::authz_user
apache::mod { 'auth_openidc': }
if $manage_dnf_module {
package { 'dnf-module-mod_auth_openidc':
ensure => $dnf_module_ensure,
name => $dnf_module_name,
provider => 'dnfmodule',
before => Apache::Mod['auth_openidc'],