Puppet Class: apache::mod::jk
- Defined in:
- manifests/mod/jk.pp
Installs `mod_jk`.Overview
shm_file and log_file Depending on how these files are specified, the class creates their final path differently:
Relative path: prepends supplied path with logroot (see below) Absolute path or pipe: uses supplied path as-is
“‘ shm_file => ’shm_file’ # Ends up in $shm_path = ‘/var/log/httpd/shm_file’
shm_file => ‘/run/shm_file’ # Ends up in $shm_path = ‘/run/shm_file’
shm_file => ‘“|rotatelogs /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log.%Y%m%d 86400 -180”’ # Ends up in $shm_path = ‘“|rotatelogs /var/log/httpd/mod_jk.log.%Y%m%d 86400 -180”’ “‘
All parameters are optional. When undefined, some receive default values, while others cause an optional directive to be absent
Additionally, There is no official package available for mod_jk and thus it must be made available by means outside of the control of the apache module. Binaries can be found at Apache Tomcat Connectors download page
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# File 'manifests/mod/jk.pp', line 272
class apache::mod::jk (
# Binding to mod_jk
Optional[Stdlib::IP::Address] $ip = undef,
Stdlib::Port $port = 80,
Boolean $add_listen = true,
# Conf file content
Optional[String] $workers_file = undef,
Hash $worker_property = {},
Optional[Stdlib::Absolutepath] $logroot = undef,
String $shm_file = 'jk-runtime-status',
Optional[String] $shm_size = undef,
Optional[String] $mount_file = undef,
Optional[String] $mount_file_reload = undef,
Hash $mount = {},
Hash $un_mount = {},
Optional[String] $auto_alias = undef,
Optional[String] $mount_copy = undef,
Optional[String] $worker_indicator = undef,
Optional[Integer] $watchdog_interval = undef,
String $log_file = 'mod_jk.log',
Optional[String] $log_level = undef,
Optional[String] $log_stamp_format = undef,
Optional[String] $request_log_format = undef,
Optional[String] $extract_ssl = undef,
Optional[String] $https_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $sslprotocol_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $certs_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $cipher_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $certchain_prefix = undef,
Optional[String] $session_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $keysize_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $local_name_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $ignore_cl_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $local_addr_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $local_port_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $remote_host_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $remote_addr_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $remote_port_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $remote_user_indicator = undef,
Optional[String] $auth_type_indicator = undef,
Array $options = [],
Hash $env_var = {},
Optional[String] $strip_session = undef,
# Location list
# See comments in template mod/jk.conf.erb
Array $location_list = [],
# Workers file content
# See comments in template mod/jk/workers.properties.erb
Hash $workers_file_content = {},
# Mount file content
# See comments in template mod/jk/uriworkermap.properties.erb
Hash $mount_file_content = {},
) {
# Provides important variables
include apache
# Manages basic module config
::apache::mod { 'jk': }
# Ensure that we are not using variables with the typo fixed by MODULES-6225
# anymore:
if !empty($workers_file_content) and has_key($workers_file_content, 'worker_mantain') {
fail('Please replace $workers_file_content[\'worker_mantain\'] by $workers_file_content[\'worker_maintain\']. See MODULES-6225 for details.')
# Binding to mod_jk
if $add_listen {
$_ip = $ip ? {
undef => $facts['networking']['ip'],
default => $ip,
ensure_resource('apache::listen', "${_ip}:${port}", {})
# File resource common parameters
File {
ensure => file,
mode => $apache::file_mode,
notify => Class['apache::service'],
# Shared memory and log paths
# If logroot unspecified, use default
$log_dir = $logroot ? {
undef => $apache::logroot,
default => $logroot,
# If absolute path or pipe, use as-is
# If relative path, prepend with log directory
# If unspecified, use default
$shm_path = $shm_file ? {
undef => "${log_dir}/jk-runtime-status",
/^\"?[|\/]/ => $shm_file,
default => "${log_dir}/${shm_file}",
$log_path = $log_file ? {
undef => "${log_dir}/mod_jk.log",
/^\"?[|\/]/ => $log_file,
default => "${log_dir}/${log_file}",
# Main config file
$mod_dir = $apache::mod_dir
file { 'jk.conf':
path => "${mod_dir}/jk.conf",
content => template('apache/mod/jk.conf.erb'),
require => [
Exec["mkdir ${mod_dir}"],
# Workers file
if $workers_file != undef {
$workers_path = $workers_file ? {
/^\// => $workers_file,
default => "${apache::httpd_dir}/${workers_file}",
file { $workers_path:
content => template('apache/mod/jk/workers.properties.erb'),
require => Package['httpd'],
# Mount file
if $mount_file != undef {
$mount_path = $mount_file ? {
/^\// => $mount_file,
default => "${apache::httpd_dir}/${mount_file}",
file { $mount_path:
content => template('apache/mod/jk/uriworkermap.properties.erb'),
require => Package['httpd'],