Puppet Class: apache::mod::userdir
- Defined in:
- manifests/mod/userdir.pp
Installs and configures `mod_userdir`.Overview
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# File 'manifests/mod/userdir.pp', line 33
class apache::mod::userdir (
Optional[String] $home = undef,
Optional[String] $dir = undef,
Optional[String[1]] $userdir = undef,
Boolean $disable_root = true,
String $path = '/home/*/public_html',
Array[String] $overrides = ['FileInfo', 'AuthConfig', 'Limit', 'Indexes'],
Array[String] $options = ['MultiViews', 'Indexes', 'SymLinksIfOwnerMatch', 'IncludesNoExec'],
Boolean $unmanaged_path = false,
Optional[String] $custom_fragment = undef,
) {
include apache
if $home or $dir {
$_home = $home ? {
undef => '/home',
default => $home,
$_dir = $dir ? {
undef => 'public_html',
default => $dir,
warning('home and dir are deprecated; use path instead')
$_path = "${_home}/*/${_dir}"
} else {
$_path = $path
$_userdir = pick($userdir, $_path)
::apache::mod { 'userdir': }
# Template uses $home, $dir, $disable_root
file { 'userdir.conf':
ensure => file,
path => "${apache::mod_dir}/userdir.conf",
mode => $apache::file_mode,
content => template('apache/mod/userdir.conf.erb'),
require => Exec["mkdir ${apache::mod_dir}"],
before => File[$apache::mod_dir],
notify => Class['apache::service'],