Puppet Class: apache::mod::event
- Defined in:
- manifests/mod/event.pp
Installs and configures `mod_event`.Overview
You cannot include apache::mod::event with apache::mod::itk, apache::mod::peruser, apache::mod::prefork, or apache::mod::worker on the same server.
Unsupported platforms: SLES: all
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# File 'manifests/mod/event.pp', line 40
class apache::mod::event (
Variant[Integer, Boolean] $startservers = 2,
Optional[Variant[Integer, Boolean]] $maxrequestworkers = undef,
Variant[Integer, Boolean] $minsparethreads = 25,
Variant[Integer, Boolean] $maxsparethreads = 75,
Variant[Integer, Boolean] $threadsperchild = 25,
Optional[Variant[Integer, Boolean]] $maxconnectionsperchild = undef,
Variant[Integer, Boolean] $serverlimit = 25,
Variant[Integer, Boolean] $threadlimit = 64,
Variant[Integer, Boolean] $listenbacklog = 511,
) {
include apache
if defined(Class['apache::mod::itk']) {
fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::itk on the same node')
if defined(Class['apache::mod::peruser']) {
fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::peruser on the same node')
if defined(Class['apache::mod::prefork']) {
fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::prefork on the same node')
if defined(Class['apache::mod::worker']) {
fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::worker on the same node')
File {
owner => 'root',
group => $apache::params::root_group,
mode => $apache::file_mode,
# Template uses:
# - $startservers
# - $minsparethreads
# - $maxsparethreads
# - $threadsperchild
# - $serverlimit
file { "${apache::mod_dir}/event.conf":
ensure => file,
mode => $apache::file_mode,
content => template('apache/mod/event.conf.erb'),
require => Exec["mkdir ${apache::mod_dir}"],
before => File[$apache::mod_dir],
notify => Class['apache::service'],
case $facts['os']['family'] {
'RedHat', 'Debian', 'FreeBSD' : {
apache::mpm { 'event':
'Gentoo': {
::portage::makeconf { 'apache2_mpms':
content => 'event',
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily ${$facts['os']['family']}")