Puppet Class: apache::mod::auth_cas
- Inherits:
- apache::params
- Defined in:
- manifests/mod/auth_cas.pp
Installs and configures `mod_auth_cas`.Overview
The auth_cas module isn’t available on RH/CentOS without providing dependency packages provided by EPEL.
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# File 'manifests/mod/auth_cas.pp', line 87
class apache::mod::auth_cas (
String $cas_login_url,
String $cas_validate_url,
String $cas_cookie_path = $apache::params::cas_cookie_path,
Stdlib::Filemode $cas_cookie_path_mode = '0750',
Integer $cas_version = 2,
String $cas_debug = 'Off',
Optional[String] $cas_validate_server = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_validate_depth = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_certificate_path = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_proxy_validate_url = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_root_proxied_as = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_cookie_entropy = undef,
Optional[Integer[0]] $cas_timeout = undef,
Optional[Integer[0]] $cas_idle_timeout = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_cache_clean_interval = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_cookie_domain = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_cookie_http_only = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_authoritative = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_validate_saml = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_sso_enabled = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_attribute_prefix = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_attribute_delimiter = undef,
Optional[String] $cas_scrub_request_headers = undef,
Boolean $suppress_warning = false,
) inherits apache::params {
if $facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' and ! $suppress_warning {
warning('RedHat distributions do not have Apache mod_auth_cas in their default package repositories.')
include apache
include apache::mod::authn_core
::apache::mod { 'auth_cas': }
file { $cas_cookie_path:
ensure => directory,
before => File['auth_cas.conf'],
mode => $cas_cookie_path_mode,
owner => $apache::user,
group => $apache::group,
$parameters = {
'cas_cookie_path' => $cas_cookie_path,
'cas_login_url' => $cas_login_url,
'cas_validate_url' => $cas_validate_url,
'cas_version' => $cas_version,
'cas_debug' => $cas_debug,
'cas_certificate_path' => $cas_certificate_path,
'cas_proxy_validate_url' => $cas_proxy_validate_url,
'cas_validate_server' => $cas_validate_server,
'cas_validate_depth' => $cas_validate_depth,
'cas_root_proxied_as' => $cas_root_proxied_as,
'cas_cookie_entropy' => $cas_cookie_entropy,
'cas_timeout' => $cas_timeout,
'cas_idle_timeout' => $cas_idle_timeout,
'cas_cache_clean_interval' => $cas_cache_clean_interval,
'cas_cookie_domain' => $cas_cookie_domain,
'cas_cookie_http_only' => $cas_cookie_http_only,
'cas_authoritative' => $cas_authoritative,
'cas_sso_enabled' => $cas_sso_enabled,
'cas_validate_saml' => $cas_validate_saml,
'cas_attribute_prefix' => $cas_attribute_prefix,
'cas_attribute_delimiter' => $cas_attribute_delimiter,
'cas_scrub_request_headers' => $cas_scrub_request_headers,
# Template uses
# - All variables beginning with cas_
file { 'auth_cas.conf':
ensure => file,
path => "${apache::mod_dir}/auth_cas.conf",
mode => $apache::file_mode,
content => epp('apache/mod/auth_cas.conf.epp', $parameters),
require => [Exec["mkdir ${apache::mod_dir}"],],
before => File[$apache::mod_dir],
notify => Class['Apache::Service'],