Puppet Class: postgresql::client
- Inherits:
- postgresql::params
- Defined in:
- manifests/client.pp
Installs PostgreSQL client software. Set the following parameters if you have a custom version you would like to install.Overview
Make sure to add any necessary yum or apt repositories if specifying a custom version.
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# File 'manifests/client.pp', line 14
class postgresql::client (
Enum['file', 'absent'] $file_ensure = 'file',
Stdlib::Absolutepath $validcon_script_path = $postgresql::params::validcon_script_path,
String[1] $package_name = $postgresql::params::client_package_name,
Variant[Enum['present', 'absent', 'purged', 'disabled', 'installed', 'latest'], String[1]] $package_ensure = 'present',
) inherits postgresql::params {
if $package_name != 'UNSET' {
package { 'postgresql-client':
ensure => $package_ensure,
name => $package_name,
tag => 'puppetlabs-postgresql',
file { $validcon_script_path:
ensure => $file_ensure,
content => file('postgresql/validate_postgresql_connection.sh'),
owner => 0,
group => 0,
mode => '0755',