Puppet Class: st2::auth::pam
- Inherits:
- st2
- Defined in:
- manifests/auth/pam.pp
Auth class to configure and setup PAM authentication.Overview
This backend will NOT allow you to auth with PAM for the ‘root’ user. You will need to auth a non-root user on the Linux host.
Need to configure st2auth service to run as root
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# File 'manifests/auth/pam.pp', line 20
class st2::auth::pam(
$conf_file = $st2::conf_file,
) inherits st2 {
include st2::auth::common
# config
ini_setting { 'auth_backend':
ensure => present,
path => $conf_file,
section => 'auth',
setting => 'backend',
value => 'pam',
tag => 'st2::config',
ini_setting { 'auth_backend_kwargs':
ensure => present,
path => $conf_file,
section => 'auth',
setting => 'backend_kwargs',
value => '',
tag => 'st2::config',
# install package dependency
$_dep_pkgs = $facts['os']['family'] ? {
'Debian' => 'libpam0g',
'RedHat' => 'pam-devel',
default => undef,
'ensure' => 'present',
# install the backend package
python::pip { 'st2-auth-backend-pam':
ensure => present,
pkgname => 'st2-auth-backend-pam',
url => 'git+https://github.com/StackStorm/st2-auth-backend-pam.git@master#egg=st2_auth_backend_pam',
owner => 'root',
virtualenv => '/opt/stackstorm/st2',
timeout => 1800,
# dependencies
Package<| tag == 'st2::server::packages' |>
-> Package[$_dep_pkgs]
-> Python::Pip['st2-auth-backend-pam']
~> Service['st2auth']