Puppet Class: st2::profile::nodejs
- Inherits:
- st2
- Defined in:
- manifests/profile/nodejs.pp
st2 compatable installation of NodeJS and dependencies for use with StackStorm.Overview
This class is needed for StackStorm ChatOps +st2::profile::chatops::. Normally this class is instantiated by st2::profile::fullinstall
. However, advanced users can instantiate this class directly to configure and manage just the NodeJS
installation on a single node.
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# File 'manifests/profile/nodejs.pp', line 20
class st2::profile::nodejs(
$manage_repo = $st2::nodejs_manage_repo,
$version = $st2::nodejs_version,
) inherits st2 {
$use_rhel7_builtin = false
# if the StackStorm version is >= 3.5.0 then use NodeJS 14.x
# if the StackStorm version is >= 2.10.0 then use NodeJS 10.x
# if the StackStorm version is 2.10.0 < and >= 2.4.0 then use NodeJS 6.x
# else use NodeJS 4.x
if st2::version_ge('3.5.0') {
$nodejs_version_default = '14.x'
elsif st2::version_ge('2.10.0') {
$nodejs_version_default = '10.x'
elsif st2::version_ge('2.4.0') {
$nodejs_version_default = '6.x'
$use_rhel7_builtin = true
else {
$nodejs_version_default = '4.x'
$use_rhel7_builtin = true
# if user specified a version of NodeJS they want to use, then use that
# otherwise use the default version based off the StackStorm version
$nodejs_version = $version ? {
undef => $nodejs_version_default,
default => $version,
# Red Hat 7.x + already have NodeJS 6.x installed
# trying to install from nodesource repos fails, so just use the builtin
if ($facts['os']['family'] == 'RedHat' and
versioncmp($facts['os']['release']['major'], '7') >= 0) {
if $use_rhel7_builtin {
class { 'nodejs':
manage_package_repo => false,
npm_package_ensure => 'present',
else {
class { 'nodejs':
repo_url_suffix => $nodejs_version,
manage_package_repo => $manage_repo,
# When upgrading from NodeJS 6 installed with EPEL to NodeJS 10+
# from the NodeSource repo, we need to remove the npm package.
# npm is now installed with the nodejs package.
# To do this we need to tell the rpm provider "force" uninstall
# because the npm package from EPEL has dependencies on the nodejs
# and st2chatops package.
# This allows us go upgrade RHEL7 clients from NodeJS 6 -> 10
Package<| title == $::nodejs::npm_package_name |> {
uninstall_options => ['--nodeps'],
provider => 'rpm',
else {
# install nodejs from nodesource repo
class { 'nodejs':
repo_url_suffix => $nodejs_version,
manage_package_repo => $manage_repo,